Your resource guide to living in Carillon

Current Residents
Carillon is professionally managed by Vision Communities Management. Homeowners can contact vcminfo@vcmtexas.com or
call (972) 612-2303 for assistance.
Your Utility Providers
(888) 406-7063
Bluebonnet Electrical Coop
(800) 842-7708
Si Energy
(888) 468-7007
City of Manor
Trash Central Waste & Recycling
(512) 267-9290
Post Office
1401 US Highway 290 E
Manor, TX 78653
Phone: (210) 368-8323
Builders provide homeowners with mailbox keys.
Quick Resident Facts
Annual Assessments
Carillon has a professionally managed HOA, Vision Communities Management.
HOA dues are $150 per quarter (Jan. 1, Apr. 1, Jul. 1, Oct. 1).
The 2024 tax rate for Carillon is 2.7146% (Manor) and 2.4591% (Elgin).
*The tax rates presented are an estimation based upon on the previous year's tax rates and/or third party information and are provided as a courtesy without representation or warranty of any kind (expressed or implied) for completeness, accuracy, or all other purposes. It is recommended that you contact the local taxing authorities be contacted for the most recent and/or up to date information.